Success stories > Banca AideXa

Banca AideXa: a revolution in credit for SMEs. 

Financing in just 48 hours thanks to AI and integrated processes in HubSpot, the all-in-one CRM platform.
Banca AideXa is a cutting-edge fintech startup that is transforming the landscape of credit for small and medium-sized businesses in Italy. With its advanced AI-powered technology and cloud-native infrastructure, the company is able to provide fast financing solutions to SMEs, delivering funds within just 48 hours.

What sets Banca AideXa apart is not only its innovative technology but also its streamlined and customer-centric approach.

By leveraging HubSpot, an all-in-one platform, the company has been able to centralize and manage over 2,000 data points for each client. This wealth of information allows them to provide impeccable customer service and personalized communications.Additionally, Banca AideXa has implemented approximately 250 active workflows, enabling automation in various processes and targeted communications to clients. The integration with four different credit databases, each with unique data structures, further enhances their credit evaluation capabilities.

The success of Banca AideXa goes beyond technology; it is a testament to their commitment to redefining the business landscape. By implementing efficient processes and leveraging innovative tools like HubSpot, they have simplified the credit application procedure for small businesses. This achievement has been made possible through the collaboration with Exelab, a trusted technology partner that has helped transform AideXa's business needs into stable and scalable processes.

Banca AideXa's story is a powerful reminder that digital transformation is not just about adopting new technologies. It requires a cultural shift that embraces agility, innovation, and a long-term vision.



Over 2,000 properties created in hubspot

more than 2,000 data linked to each customer, which allow customer support


About 250 activated Workflow

that feed automation processes and communications targeted at customers to 10%


Integration with 4 different databases

for credit assessment, each with a completely different data structure.

Jason Boon - Chief Digital Marketing at AideXa


Banca AideXa is an innovative fintech startup founded in 2020, specializing in providing financing solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and sole proprietorships with annual revenues below 10 million euros. Their main objective is to provide quick response to the credit needs of Italian SMEs.

The company's business model is based on open banking, which involves the sharing of data among different participants in the banking ecosystem, made possible by the European PSD2 directive. Additionally, AideXa utilizes artificial intelligence to achieve their goals of speed and simplification, ensuring their clients receive immediate, secure, transparent, and effective solutions.

AideXa's project is built upon an open, cloud-native information architecture that analyzes data and makes real-time decisions, accepting or rejecting credit requests without the need for physical collateral. Leveraging the power of instant lending, the company is capable of disbursing funds in as little as 48 hours.

Open banking AI Cloud-native
Ellipse 366 (3)
Words of Aidexa

“ Working with Exelab has been a great experience. They have been an ideal partner in helping us choose the best technological solutions, even for complex challenges. From the very beginning, they understood our needs and have supported us throughout the entire journey, always with a collaborative approach focused on achieving results. ”

the challenge

Banca AideXa has introduced a new financing process for Italian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), significantly reducing waiting times and simplifying the credit application procedure.

Unlike traditional methods where credit professionals take weeks or months to evaluate financing requests, Banca AideXa leverages open banking and artificial intelligence to provide real-time responses.

the Goals

To obtain financing, businesses can access the company's website and connect their accounts, allowing the bank to quickly and efficiently analyze the data. 

With data analysis capabilities, the bank can provide a response in approximately 20 minutes and disburse the requested credit in just 48 hours. This process is designed to be simple and easily adopted by small businesses.However, the customer-facing simplification of the process hides a complex challenge for Banca AideXa. Confirmation of financing involves various players, including the Bank of Italy and CRIF, and compliance with regulations requires structured and intricate processes. For this reason, Banca AideXa has equipped itself with innovative tools to offer an impeccable user experience to Italian SMEs.

the solution

Banca AideXa has chosen HubSpot as its CRM tool to manage all its business processes, with Exelab as its technology partner for configuration and seamless integration with internal and external assets. The decision to use an all-in-one solution like HubSpot has enabled the consolidation of all data into a single control platform.

Internal processes have been defined, structured, and evaluated for their effectiveness before being implemented within HubSpot to make them even more efficient and scalable.

all-encompassing solution

Harder setup

The introduction of HubSpot into the company has been a gradual process, following an agile approach that allows AideXa's staff to test and modify processes to achieve the most functional setup. This approach, developed by Exelab, has been highly appreciated by AideXa, facilitating the natural evolution of processes in a rapidly changing and expanding startup environment.

Through the utilization of HubSpot and its seamless integration with the complex ecosystem of processes, data, and tools specific to the financial sector, Banca AideXa has achieved excellent performance.

Diego Frigerio, Project Manager at Exelab

“ Companies like AideXa, which are young and constantly evolving, are not only the ideal target for Exelab but also a pleasure to work with. The relationship that has been established is a perfect balance of professionalism, trust, and transparency, enabling a fruitful collaboration between both parties. This collaboration leads to a high implementation speed while maintaining high-quality standards and never losing sight of the business objectives. ”

what we worked

The project started in late 2021 and involved Exelab in implementing various technological solutions to simplify and enhance the customer experience.

Exelab particularly supported Aidexa in leveraging the capabilities of HubSpot to manage and monitor the entire customer onboarding process.

Integration of automation logic

Through the integration of automation logic, Aidexa's customer service team was able to efficiently track the progress of customer requests and communicate promptly during the onboarding process.

Manage renewals

Additionally, a personalized communication system was implemented to manage renewals, allowing Aidexa to identify loyal customers and offer them new financing products.

Activated Hubs

It's HubSpot's solution for managing all marketing processes and marketing automation. It includes tools for:

  • Email marketing
  • Digital advertising
  • Landing page
  • Audience segmentation
  • Workflow
  • Customer journey
  • Buyer personas
  • Form and Call-to-action
  • Blog
  • #Easy to use
  • #All-in-one marketing tool suite
  • #Manages small and large volumes
  • #E-commerce integration
  • #High customization
  • #GDPR compliant
  • #Enterprise ready

It's HubSpot's solution for managing all sales processes. It includes tools for:

  • Pipeline management
  • Sales automation
  • Automatic sequences
  • Email and document tracking
  • Workflow
  • Document management
  • Quotes
  • Payments
  • Calls
  • #Easy to use
  • #Simplification of the sales process
  • #Platform highly loved by sales professionals
  • #High adoption rate
  • #Enterprise ready

It's HubSpot's module for managing all customer service processes. It includes tools for managing:

  • Ticket
  • Customer service pipeline
  • Automations
  • Workflow
  • Knowledge Base
  • Customer portal
  • #Easy to use
  • #All-in-one marketing tool suite
  • #GDPR compliant
  • #Enterprise ready

It's the HubSpot module that allows you to synchronize, clean, and take care of the data present in the database and to automate business operations. It includes tools for:

  • Data synchronization
  • Data cleaning
  • Business operations
  • Integration of external systems
  • Advanced reporting
  • #Versatile and powerful
  • #Enterprise grade data management
  • #GDPR compliant

Learn how to turn customers into fans of your business.

To develop long-lasting relationships with customers and improve business objectives, it's essential to have a detailed understanding of their needs and behaviors. By utilizing HubSpot, you can implement a professional and scalable solution to manage and enhance customer relationships, ultimately driving growth and innovation within your organization.

HubSpot enables you to build strong customer relationships, improve business outcomes, and drive innovation by enhancing your ability to understand, engage, and serve your customers effectively.

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