Solutions > HubSpot CRM


Customer Experience

A smooth service equals delighted clients and valuable agents.


Customer Experience is a main investment priority  for global Leaders, and the Customer Service is the place where it gets revealed.

In Customer Operations lies the real potential of creating promoters of an organization, and a single mistake can lead to the loss of a customer. That’s why we implement HubSpot CRM keeping in mind the hows and whys a customer should choose your company instead of the competitors’ ones.

Customer Experience is a main investment priority  for global Leaders, and the Customer Service is the place where it gets revealed.

In Customer Operations lies the real potential of creating promoters of an organization, and a single mistake can lead to the loss of a customer. That’s why we implement HubSpot CRM keeping in mind the hows and whys a customer should choose your company instead of the competitors’ ones.

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When clients talk with your company, they talk with people.

Customer Service teams can deliver a high-quality Customer Experience and perform at their top potential only when they have access to more data about clients.

With HubSpot CRM, we enable agents to create a delightful experience that makes the company retain clients better and learn from  interactions.

Delight your customers
Delightful experiences are for digital customers too.
Discover also Process Digitalization >>
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Tech helps both service teams and customers, if properly set.

Our objective-based implementation serves to collect durable data and provide a wider visibility on customer information to the agents, making it easier to support clients and augment the Customer Experience. The CRM allows us to automate time-consuming activities for the business, such as assigning tickets, tracking customer interactions and agents’ performance metrics.

Leaders can then be enabled to access indicators such as FCR, AHT, CES, NPS and CSAT with no hassle, for the management to be able to read and interpret them.

AI and CRM

How artificial intelligence is revolutionising customer relations?

We explore how the adoption of AI and Large Language Models (LLM) is transforming CRM.

We will see the benefits in terms of productivity, error reduction, improved data quality, and a more personalised customer experience.

We also look at the impact of AI on different business functions such as Marketing, Sales and Customer Service, with a focus on Hubspot AI as an example of successful integration of AI in CRM software.

Read the Whitepaper 'AI and CRM', Download now >>
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